Home - Izzii Grace
Single Review
By Clare Cordell
I was excited to listen to the newest track by Izzii Grace. I think they are a super exciting artist and have been aware of them for a while because of their amazing work with the live gig company Burnt Toast.
From the very beginning of the track the vocal line is so beautiful and paired with Izzii’s super intimate and heartfelt lyrics it draws you in and wraps you up like your favourite blanket on a frosty morning!
There is a simple but haunting guitar line throughout the track that gives it a mystical feeling that lends itself so nicely to vocals and I truly felt every single word that Izzii sings, and their storytelling is gorgeous.
This track really speaks to the introverted part of my soul that seeks solitude and comfort! It is a song for the dreamers and the nature dwelling deep thinkers! I LOVE IT.